
Curd stirring
We do that ourselves!

Cheese ripening
On wooden boards of course

Climate neutral cheese making

Did you know that we turn the cheeses daily?
Cheesemaster Sjoerd tells

Where modern and craft come together
Beemster makes no concessions. Not to taste. Not to the production. Not to the time and care for the cheese. Because only then can you make distinct cheeses, each with a unique flavor and malleability.
Artisanal cheese making
We make our cheese in a sustainable cheese factory. The cheese makers work with the most modern techniques. They consciously choose to keep making the cheeses in the traditional way. It takes more time this way, we take that for granted, we like to do everything possible to make the tastiest cheese.
Cheese making starts with the milk, which is collected from farmers by our milk trucks. Pure 100% North Holland pasture milk. The cows walk for at least 180 days in the pasture, which provides milk full of proteins and minerals, the best basis for the taste of the cheese.
Then comes the cheese making, which involves a lot. The cheese masters still check the cheese milk themselves, and they still manually stir the curds in an open draining tray as they used to do on the farm. What is good must stay good, which is why we put the cheeses on wooden boards to mature for as long as necessary. This gives the best flavor and malleability.
Wondering what it's like on the farm and in the cheese dairy? Then watch our short videos here.View our stories

Making real cheese
Cheese making starts with the milk, which is collected from farmers by our milk trucks. Pure 100% North Holland pasture milk. The cows walk for an average of 176* days in the pasture, which produces milk full of proteins and minerals, the best basis for the taste of the cheese.
We make Beemster cheese the way it has been made for more than 100 years. We do this in our sustainable cheese factory. This means that our cheesemakers use the most modern techniques and consciously choose to keep making the cheeses the traditional way. The cheese masters still check the cheese milk themselves, and they still stir the curds manually in an open draining vat as they used to do on the farm. What is good must stay good, which is why we put the cheeses on wooden shelves to mature for as long as necessary. This gives the best flavor and malleability. It takes a little more time this way, we take that for granted, we like to do everything to make the tastiest cheese, without concessions. Only then can you make distinct cheeses, each with a unique flavor and malleability.
*Pasture result 2023

Champion cheese
Our cheese masters do everything they can every day to make the tastiest cheeses. We regularly participate with the cheeses in cheese competitions. At a cheese competition the best cheese masters judge the cheeses on taste, structure and malleability. We are quite proud that we regularly win prizes! In our news overview we like to keep you informed about all the awards.
How our cheese masters taste the cheese

Our stories
Our farmers, our cheesemakers, our drivers all have a great story to tell. We have collected the stories in short videos.
For example, the cheese masters mainly inspect with their noses, the cheese masters sing while stirring the curds and there are sea cows in the Beemster. Curious?