See our stories

Sea Cow

This is a manatee.
No, she doesn't swim.
She is grazing.
On an old sea floor.
And that bottom is full of salty clay.
You can taste that in the grass, in the milk and in the cheese.
Real cheese comes from the Beemster

Cows in the pasture

They are used to it though
Playing outside
Because no cow walks outside as much as a Beemster cow
But that very first time in the meadow
Real cheese comes from the Beemster

Buy local

Buy local, you hear more and more
Thank goodness, because what comes from close by is good
Then you know where it grazes, who makes it and how it's made.
With no rush and wind from around the corner
There shareholders don't wear a tie
Because local doesn't come from La France, but from French, Gerrit and Lieke
And from one of the oldest polders in the world
Real cheese comes from the Beemster

Thanks Outdoors

We are all sitting at home. And yet not everyone stays inside. That's just as well. Because stockers help fill shelves. Bakers bake loaves of bread. And farmers continue to farm. So on behalf of all those who stay inside. Thank you to all those outdoor animals.

Farmer Green

This is farmer Green.
Look at him working hard.
He not only supplies milk, but also electricity.
So our cheese factory runs on green energy.
Also from our own farmers.
Like green energy from farmer Green.


Beemster farmers take good care of their cows. They also take good care of people. In fact, a number of livestock farmers also take care of the mentally handicapped, the elderly or people who just can't manage on their own. We call that a care farm.

During the day, they are accompanied by the farmer and a team of caretakers. In the evening, they drive back to their own homes. Our cooperative has 15 care farmers. Here you see Mark, he visits farmer Joost during the day...both happy farmers.

Holes in the cheese

Why does a cheese have holes in the first place?
Well during ripening, little bubbles form.
We call them eyes.
And from those eyes we can tell if the cheese is perfect.
Real cheese comes from the Beemster.

Beemster milk wagon

Our cheese is made from fresh milk.
But how fresh is fresh really?
It's a race against the clock.
Fresh milk, is milk that goes from cow to cheese within 72 hours.
Real cheese comes from the Beemster.

Beemster milk trucks collect the milk from the farmers once every three days. The fresh milk is kept refrigerated at the farmer's farm, and during transport to the cheese factory, the milk remains refrigerated. The milk is processed into cheese upon arrival at the cheese factory.


Tuttebubbles they are.
Our cows.
Hair shaved.
Nails trimmed.
How spoiled they are.
But they like the brush best of all.

Real cheese comes from the Beemster.

Cows in the pasture

In spring, cows go back to pasture, however, not too early. It depends on a number of factors. The sun is burning, the pasture beckons, the soil is good and the grass is at length. The cows are back in the pasture! Meanwhile, the cows are back in the pasture, grazing in the fresh tender spring grass. From the first milk this produces, Beemster Graskaas is made with great care.

By the way, did you know that every Beemster cow has its own soccer field?

Beemster and NY

Do you know what Beemster and NY have in common? More than you think!
This is very special land.
It is the first ever polder.
World Heritage Site.
But did you also know that the city of New York is based on it.
Real Cheese comes from the Beemster.

Happy cow

Can a cow be happy?
And if so, how do you know?
Does she then say 'tired'?
Or "tired?
Actually, it's very simple.
Take a look.
This is what a happy cow looks like.
Real cheese comes from the Beemster.

This is where our cows graze ... but not right now

This is where our cows graze.
But not right now.
Because look.... look.
There's a lapwing nesting there.
Not even the farmer is allowed near it.
Because we know better than anyone what a little peace and quiet and time can do.

Meadow bird management is done in the meadows where the meadow birds like to be. This is often done in cooperation with farmers and volunteers affiliated with nature associations, such as Water, Land & Dikes.

Meadow birds are protected in many ways. These include drone with a thermal camera, spotting with binoculars, placing nest protectors or mosaic management. With "mosaic management," the entire meadow is not mowed at once. As a result, there is always a hiding place.

It also looks at protecting meadow bird chicks. Did you know, for example, that cow poop attracts many insects and that these insects are food for the little chicks. That is why it is often said: Cow in the meadow, meadow bird happy!

Toast - Time


Making cheese is boring.
It's mostly a lot ... of ... waiting.
For a little old at least 10 months.
It can be done faster.
But that makes it less tasty.
Well, there is nothing else to do.
Take your time.
I'll wait.
Ripe good.

Real cheese comes from the Beemster

Brine bath

Every cheese goes into the bath.
In the brine bath.
That's three Olympic-sized pools full of brine.
Brining gives the cheese extra flavor and texture.
And what's so special.
Some of the brine is more than 100 years old.
It's nice to take a bath together.

Real cheese comes from the Beemster.


Making cheese is human work.
For example, we still stir the curds by hand.
Can't a machine do that?
But the eye of the cheese master.
Knows unerringly what the hand has to do.
Even if it is a bit clumsy.
Which in this case makes the cheese extra tasty.

Real cheese comes from the Beemster.

Milking robot

This is a milking robot.
This is a machine that milks.
Isn't that sad for the cow?
On the contrary.
Because the cow prefers to decide for herself when to be milked. And how often.
And let the milking robot help with that, for the tastiest milk.
Real cheese comes from the Beemster.

What is it really like to be a farmer?

What is it really like to be a farmer?
I can tell you: it's hard work.
Every morning, before dawn, the farmer is up and about.
To diligently ... look at his phone.
There's an app on there that allows him to follow exactly how his cows are doing.
(Boohoo) Good morning to you too!
Real cheese comes from the Beemster

Artisan Cheese Making

This is our brand new cheese factory. Here we make our cheeses the traditional way. That sounds crazy, doesn't it? Here's the thing: even though our cheesemakers work with the latest technology, they consciously choose to continue making the cheeses the traditional way. They still stir the curds by hand. It takes more time this way but we take that for granted. We like to do everything we can to make the tastiest cheese. And we've been doing that here for more than 100 years. Real cheese comes from the Beemster.