Seven times gold for Beemster at German DLG Awards
Seven of our cheeses: Beemster Young, Beemster Belegen, Beemster X-O, Beemster Goat, Royaal, Royaal Grand Cru and Beemsdammer won Gold at the DLG Awards in Germany, the prestigious cheese awards in the international cheese world.
Every year, the DLG-Testzentrums Lebensmittel in Frankfurt inspects hundreds of cheeses in various classes. The cheeses are called out unannounced each year to submit for inspection. Experts assess taste, consistency, smell, exterior and interior in this inspection. In addition, a laboratory examines the composition of the cheese. Only cheeses that score high on all components qualify for a DLG gold medal. These (DLG) medals are awarded annually in June. As in previous years, Beemster was again rewarded with several medals.
Cheesemaster at CONO Cheesemakers Sjoerd Hiemstra: "We have been participating in this German cheese inspection since 2005. These awards show how much the quality of Beemster cheeses is appreciated. Our farmers work hard every day to do the best for their cows and nature. This ensures that the milk is of the best quality and the cheese tastes the best. This year we are extra proud that the Beemsdammer won a Gold Medal, a real quality cheese with a mild, nutty taste. And that's what we do it for together, making the best quality cheese."
Curious about the flavors and availability of the seven winning cheeses? Then take a look at our cheeses page.
Want to know more about the DLG Awards? Then click here.