Beemster cheese puffs

Beemster cheese puffs

Drinks dish. 8 people. Prepare 10 min. Prepare 25 min.


  • 115 g butter 
  • 125 ml whole milk
  • 125 ml of water
  • 120 g flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g Beemster 30+ Old

Kitchen Stuff 

  • Piping bag or sturdy large plastic bag
  • Baking paper


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. In a saucepan, bring the butter, milk and water to a boil. Lower the heat and add the flour. Stir with a wooden spoon until the dough begins to dry and separate from the pan, about 2 min. 
  2. Scoop the dough into a bowl and let cool for 2 min. Stir in the eggs one at a time - do not add the next egg until the previous one is fully incorporated.   
  3. Fold in half of the Beemster cheese. Spoon the dough into a piping bag (or fill a sturdy plastic bag and cut 1 cm from one of the corners of the bag).
  4. Pipe mounds +- 2.5 cm in diameter onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Make sure there is 5 cm between them.
  5. Sprinkle with the rest of the Beemster cheese and bake for 20 min until golden brown.

Still craving a different drink snack? Then take another look at our recipe page.